Waist Slim hips, Healthy and Attractive Appearance
Diet Nutrition Situation Entasol outlets seem crowded when 25 conectiquers began to arrive. The event opened with a talk show "Healthy Diet Nutrition and the Right," which presents dr. Phaidon Lumban Toruan as a speaker. Presentation dr. Phaidon, a physician who is a fitness instructor at once attracted attention because Conectiquers presented with a relaxed and intimate atmosphere. Not infrequently Conectiquers made smile, even laugh when they hear an explanation of dr. Phaidon interspersed with jokes.
In his presentation, dr. Phaidon mentions three causes of obesity, which is aging, too much sweet and salty foods, and never exercise.
Generally, women over the age of 30 years to have eating more. While at that age there is a decrease of hormones and muscle mass. The solution, in addition to hormone therapy should also be followed by weight training. But unfortunately, most women tend to be lazy to do physical activity. Though a good healthy lifestyle is by doing regular exercise three times a week for 30 minutes.
As if reading the minds of the participants, dr. Phaidon also provide enough secret exercise three times within 15 minutes every week. Because according to him, 80% of the human brain works avoid the misery and the remaining 20% to enjoy life. Do not forget to eat after exercising Entasol Diet Nutrition to increase muscle mass and gain weight and waist circumference ideal. Entasol Nutrition Diets rich in protein that will expand in the stomach until the stomach feel full and stretched.
In addition to exercise tips, dr. Phaidon has published two books titled "Fat Loss" and "Performance Nutrition", also gave a three-step diet resolution.
The first step:
This type of complex carbohydrate consumed should, use the F Slim Tablet or carbohidrat blockers for those difficult to hold your appetite.
Step two:
Consuming a multivitamin / multimineral, omega-3 fatty acids, coffee and green tea to burning fat more optimal.
Step three:
"Living food for living body", that is by consuming fruits like bananas, apples and oranges, and do not forget to exercise regularly.
This event is the more lively when it comes time to ask participants about the problems they experience. Question for dr. Phaidon, coming barrage. Among the questions about how to lose fat in a short time, healthy way by eating green vegetables for people with gout disease. Then there is also a question about physical exercise, such as sports that do not make knee pain, activities that are good for pregnant women and weight training in accordance with body weight. Not to forget the secret to getting a flat stomach for women who have given birth.
Although the show is devoted to the women, but there are too lho male participants who join. The father asked questions, about the habit that is difficult not eat rice in the morning before exercise.
Talk show ends with a scene this time for-for gifts. Conectiquers seemed enthusiastic when dr. Phaidon ask two questions about dietary issues that have been described previously. One participant was lucky to get a voucher from conectique while other participants received a parcel withdraw from Entasol Diet Nutrition.
The time talk show was over, along the same dr. Phaidon must immediately leave the premises to slide into the hospital to meet his wife, who is awaiting the birth of her second child. For dr. Phaidon, we say congratulations on the birth of the baby.
After the talk show, the show continued with Hip Hop Workshop with instructor Chatalia DanXercise (chief trainer DanXStudio). Conectiquers move from talk show room and get ready to the floor exercise. Following the message dr. Phaidon, who said the diet would be better if supported by a little physical activity, Conectiquers was invited swayed by Chatalina, the instructor. Fast-paced rhythm of the music that accompanies, make conectiquers adrenaline racing go fast. They seem so eager to follow every movement of Hip Hop DanXercise.
Two hours passed and finally a whole series of events must be closed. Talk show and workshop DanXercise Hip hop has been running smoothly. Conectiquers did not go home empty-handed. Besides additional useful information and body back in shape thanks to Hip hop DanXercise, Conectiquers also bring interesting parcel.
based source : http://mobilisasi.com/article.aspx?aid=76&catid=22
Home » Waist Slim » the Waist Slim, Healthy and Attractive Appearance
Friday, May 20, 2011
the Waist Slim, Healthy and Attractive Appearance

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