Complaints lob was turned back pain ranks second after the common headache. From the data on patients treated at the clinic of Neurology showed that the number of patients over the age of 40 years who came with complaints of low back pain turned out is quite a lot. In the United States more than 80% of the population have complained of low back pain and in our own country is estimated to number more.
Given that low back pain is actually just a symptom / symptoms, then the most important is looking for a contributing factor may be given appropriate treatment.
Causes of LBP
Basically incidence of pain is due to the pressure on the nervous edge of the waist area (pinched nerve). Clamp on this nerve can occur because of interference with the muscle and surrounding tissue, interference with the nerve itself, spinal disorders and abnormalities in other places, such as infection or kidney stones and others.
Muscle spasm (muscle tension) is the most common cause of LBP. This spasm can occur due to waist movement is too sudden or excessive beyond the power of these muscles. For example, time is not our sport to realize we are moving too sudden and too much time chasing or hitting the ball (badminton, tennis, golf, etc.). Similarly, if we lift heavy objects with slightly the wrong position, eg move tables, chairs, lifting luggage, push the car, even when we are very pleased to raise children or our grandchildren will be able to happen LBP. Calcification of the spine around the waist which resulted in a corresponding clamps on the nerve can lead to severe low back pain as well.
HNP (hernia nucleus pulposus), namely: terdorongnya nucleus pulposus of a substance that is located between the joints of the spine, towards the back of either straight or towards the right or left will put pressure on the spinal cord or nerve fibers to result in very severe pain. This happens because Ruda force (trauma / injury) and pain may spread to either the right or left leg (iskhialgia). The other reason we need to consider are: tumors, infections, kidney stones, and others. All of which can lead to pressure on nerve fibers.
Should not forget the mental stress that is: a psychiatric condition that causes patients to feel very depressed. Penseritaan psychological stress is transferred to clinical symptoms of LBP, although previously there have been factors weakness of the arrangement of the organs in the back.
Treatment is best to eliminate the cause (causal), although for most patients is the pain (symptomatic). So we use a combination of causal and symptomatic treatment. To find the exact cause in addition to x-ray examination of the spinal axis, is sometimes required special inspections such as scanning, MRI, etc..
On LBP because tense muscles can be used SIRDALUD (Tizanidine), which serves to relax the muscle contraction (muscle relaxan). For other symptomatic treatment sometimes requires a mixture of analgesic drugs, anti-inflammatory, NSAIDs, tranquilizers, etc.. If the usual treatments do not succeed perhaps physiotherapy (rehabilitation) with special tools and with traction (pull the spine). Surgery may be necessary if treatment with physiotherapy is not successful for example in the HNP or in severe calcification. So the management of LBP is indeed quite complex. Besides seeing the neurologist (specialist Neurology), may also be needed for treatment to the internist. Neurological Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery may even need to consult the psychiatrist or psychologist.
In order for us to remain healthy, particularly for LBP is not affected even though age is advanced, needs to be done the following things:
1. Regular exercise in which the frequency / amount and intensity should be enough, do not overdo it. For those who are gifted LBP, it is advisable to swim, and should not be jumping up and down.
2. Organize food by avoiding foods that contain many fat, uric acid, etc., in order to slow the occurrence of calcification of the spine. Besides, try not to occur overweight.
3. Living in a healthy environment with clean air and avoid excessive pollution.
4. Regular life, cope with stress.
source : http://www.dechacare.com/Sakit-Pinggang-I202.html
3F7NTJ6C24Y5 hips problem - Low Back Pain (LBP)

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