this is 8 Signs You're Healthy!
When going to the hospital, the doctor will usually issue a measuring instrument. Start of measuring blood pressure, heart rate, until the sugar content. Under certain conditions, doctors also often determine the health of a person through various tests in the laboratory.
Basically there are a number or a benchmark that we have to remember in health affairs. That is, we must know how many numbers of normal blood pressure or cholesterol levels. By knowing these figures, we can take care of myself so no need to suffer the consequences of excessive and far from pleasant. According to experts, at least you need to get this important figure eight. Please read and kept in mind always!
1. Blood pressure: 120/80
According to Dr. Arthur Tan, a heart specialist from Gleneagles Hospital, high blood potentially become the number one killer in the world in 2020. High blood often strikes without symptoms. Therefore, routine blood pressure checks obligatory. Do it once a month with a personal digital measuring devices, or two times a year by a doctor.
Make sure the blood pressure less than 120/80 mmHg. "At least 10 above or below 120/80. More or less than that require medical treatment, "said Dr. Ristanto Spb Wiwin, the surgeon and femininity Oncology Hospital Surabaya.
2. Cholesterol: 2 to 1
According to Dr. John Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist from the hospital Melinda Bandung, if your total cholesterol level above 200 mg / dL, it is called high. Is normal if less than 200 mg / dL. By calculation, LDL (bad cholesterol) below 100 mg / dL and HDL (good cholesterol) above 45 mg / dL.
In short, the ratio between LDL and HDL is 2:1. The higher levels of HDL, the higher the protection against coronary heart disease.
3. Waist circumference: less than 80 cm
For adult women, waist size should be no more than 80 cm. If on top of that, it means there is a pile under the belly fat that is not necessary, and make us overweight. There are two types of fat accumulation in the abdominal area: under the skin and in organs. "What is dangerous is the second type because it can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, stroke and coronary heart disease," said Dr. John.
4. Inflammation: under 10,000
Inflammation occurs in our body during inflammation. We can determine the level of inflammation of the body by measuring levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), produced by the liver and is part of the body's defense system.
According to Dr. Wiwin, CRP, normal is under 10,000. This means we get the risk of heart problems low. The level of inflammation over 15 000 should be treated and look for the source because there may be a hidden disease. For example, immune system disorders.
5. Vitamin D: a minimum of 30
Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of liver disorders, multiple sclerosis, immune disorders, and osteoporosis. Risk of osteoporosis is determined by lifestyle, gender, and age. Women more prone to bone fragility than men. The risk increases when entering the age of menopause.
We can prevent osteoporosis with calcium saving early. In order for maximum absorption of calcium, our bodies need vitamin D. So the info from the National Institutes of Health. To find out how our levels of vitamin D, do the blood test. Levels of vitamin D per day is recommended for more than 30.
6. Blood sugar: less than 140
The Western Pacific Declaration on Diabetes mention, diabetes mellitus (non-derived) is infecting adolescents and children. The main factor is obesity. The more fat tissue (especially in the abdomen), and muscle cells more resistant to insulin. In other words, obesity may inhibit insulin, so blood sugar rises.
So, we must always keep blood sugar levels remain normal. Still according to Dr. John, high or low blood sugar levels depending on the condition of our present review. Normal blood sugar levels after fasting for 6-8 hours, is 70-100 mg / dL, while blood glucose levels 2 hours after eating a normal is below 140 mg / dL.
7. Bone density: -2.5
To find out how solid our bones, perform a bone density test or bone mass density (BMD). Dr. Michael Triangto, SPOK, from Slim + Health Sports Therapy said that the restriction of osteoporosis is a T-score of -2.5. If the value is more than -2.5, meaning including osteoporosis. If not, it means osteopenia (before getting osteoporosis.) Bone density test is recommended for menopausal women, had a broken bone, had a family history of osteoporosis, and abnormal spinal structure.
8. Resting heart rate: 60-80
Healthy or not our physical condition can also be marked with the heart rate at rest (resting heart rate). The best measure resting heart rate is when just woken up.
How, press the pulse at the wrist or the neck below the jaw with the index finger. Count the pulse for 15 seconds, then multiply the result 4. Dr said Wiwin, normal resting heart rate for adult women is 60-80 per minute. If a person's resting heart rate exceeds the limit, means the heart works too hard so more at risk of heart attack or stroke
Home » Tips Health » Waist circumference: less than 80 cm is include sign that show we are healthy
Friday, May 20, 2011
Waist circumference: less than 80 cm is include sign that show we are healthy

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