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    Friday, May 20, 2011

    make breakfast a healthy streamline waist and hip

    make breakfast a healthy streamline waist and hip
    make breakfast a healthy streamline waist and hipmake breakfast a healthy streamline waist and hip
    healthy tips Info | Busyness is often an obstacle to prepare a healthy breakfast, especially for office workers either because of time or prepare too much food that needs to be prepared. But do not worry, the following tips to make breakfast a healthy, delicious, and simple that can streamline your waist and hip.

    1. Tofu omelette.
    The menu is healthier than scrambled eggs, because it contains low fat. Ensure him completely healthy and not preserved with formalin. Prepare three to five pieces of organic tofu and then cut according to your taste. Then, heat the olive oil in frying pan and then put out and stir. To add more flavor add some comb garlic powder and pepper to taste.

    2. Fruit salad.
    When the likes eating fruit is suitable for your menu. Prepare two apples, a pear and half an avocado slices. Cut the fruit in the form of dice and put into a medium sized bowl. Then you can meyiramkan fresh orange juice into it and stir until blended. If necessary add some almonds or cashews on it to add to your taste.

    3. Yogurt mixed cereals.
    Prepare low-fat yogurt as much as two cups into a bowl and then enter your favorite piece of fruit such as apples or pears. Then enter a few spoonfuls of cereal and stir until blended. Breakfast is ready to serve, practical and healthy right?

    healthy sitting posture make healthy hips and waist

    healthy sitting posture make healthy hips and waisthealthy sitting posture make healthy hips and waist
    Here are tips on a healthy sitting posture:
    1. Provide support (bearing) on ​​the waist
    Chairs used must be able to help or do not make people sick when trying to sit down with the healthy. Dr Lee advised to sit in a chair with providing support or ancillary to the waist. For example, by putting a small pillow at the waist, buttocks and sit half berth.

    2. Develop a healthy sitting posture
    The best seats will not improve your posture if a person tends to bend, bent on a keyboard or a crossed leg when seated.

    For that try to do the following things while sitting, namely:
    - Put both feet flat on the floor with the knees slightly higher than hips.
    - Place the elbow in a comfortable position on the side or rest your arm on the backrest that allows the shoulders to be relaxed.
    - Keep shoulders parallel or not moving forward.
    - Head looking straight ahead and your chin tilted slightly downward.
    - Focus on the stomach or abdominal breathing throughout the day to increase the oxygen and the body remains relaxed.

    3. Keeping your body hydrated
    Dehydration can make a person tired and tend to sit with more degenerate positions. For that still keep the body well hydrated throughout the day.

    4. Get up and move
    Move on a regular basis or get up every 15-30 minutes or so to stretch muscles, move and breathe. If possible try to walk for a moment. This condition will increase the circulation and energy and avoid the people too much snacking at the table.

    5. Check the condition of bed
    A person could spend 5-8 hours in bed in a day, so the beds also have a significant effect on body posture. To make sure that the bed has good support for the body and change the location of the body every few months to prevent indentation of the body on a mattress that can make the body sick.

    the hips and Waist circumference is a Health Indicators

    the hips and Waist circumference is a Health Indicatorsthe hips and Waist circumference is a Health Indicators
    Number of fat in the waist is one warning to change into a healthier lifestyle anymore.
    According to an anti-obesity campaign in Britain, measuring waist circumference with a tape measure are the yardsticks of health are more accurate than weigh. By measuring waist circumference, the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease can be predicted more accurately.
    Those who have the highest risk for diseases related to obesity is a man who has a waist circumference of more than 101 centimeters (40 inches) and women with a waist circumference of more than 89 cm (35 inches).
    on a world research conducted at the University of Birminghan, England showed that fat cells around the waist is not a passive lump of fat but active cells which can disrupt the stability of excess insulin and improve blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood.
    Such as heart disease and diabetes are now no longer seem to haunt those containing from outside, but also the people who look slim.

    Waist circumference: less than 80 cm is include sign that show we are healthy

    Waist circumference: less than 80 cm is include sign that show we are healthythis is 8 Signs You're Healthy!
    When going to the hospital, the doctor will usually issue a measuring instrument. Start of measuring blood pressure, heart rate, until the sugar content. Under certain conditions, doctors also often determine the health of a person through various tests in the laboratory.
    Basically there are a number or a benchmark that we have to remember in health affairs. That is, we must know how many numbers of normal blood pressure or cholesterol levels. By knowing these figures, we can take care of myself so no need to suffer the consequences of excessive and far from pleasant. According to experts, at least you need to get this important figure eight. Please read and kept in mind always!

    1. Blood pressure: 120/80
    According to Dr. Arthur Tan, a heart specialist from Gleneagles Hospital, high blood potentially become the number one killer in the world in 2020. High blood often strikes without symptoms. Therefore, routine blood pressure checks obligatory. Do it once a month with a personal digital measuring devices, or two times a year by a doctor.
    Make sure the blood pressure less than 120/80 mmHg. "At least 10 above or below 120/80. More or less than that require medical treatment, "said Dr. Ristanto Spb Wiwin, the surgeon and femininity Oncology Hospital Surabaya.

    2. Cholesterol: 2 to 1
    According to Dr. John Chandrawinata, MND, SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist from the hospital Melinda Bandung, if your total cholesterol level above 200 mg / dL, it is called high. Is normal if less than 200 mg / dL. By calculation, LDL (bad cholesterol) below 100 mg / dL and HDL (good cholesterol) above 45 mg / dL.
    In short, the ratio between LDL and HDL is 2:1. The higher levels of HDL, the higher the protection against coronary heart disease.

    3. Waist circumference: less than 80 cm
    For adult women, waist size should be no more than 80 cm. If on top of that, it means there is a pile under the belly fat that is not necessary, and make us overweight. There are two types of fat accumulation in the abdominal area: under the skin and in organs. "What is dangerous is the second type because it can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, stroke and coronary heart disease," said Dr. John.

    4. Inflammation: under 10,000
    Inflammation occurs in our body during inflammation. We can determine the level of inflammation of the body by measuring levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), produced by the liver and is part of the body's defense system.
    According to Dr. Wiwin, CRP, normal is under 10,000. This means we get the risk of heart problems low. The level of inflammation over 15 000 should be treated and look for the source because there may be a hidden disease. For example, immune system disorders.

    5. Vitamin D: a minimum of 30
    Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of liver disorders, multiple sclerosis, immune disorders, and osteoporosis. Risk of osteoporosis is determined by lifestyle, gender, and age. Women more prone to bone fragility than men. The risk increases when entering the age of menopause.
    We can prevent osteoporosis with calcium saving early. In order for maximum absorption of calcium, our bodies need vitamin D. So the info from the National Institutes of Health. To find out how our levels of vitamin D, do the blood test. Levels of vitamin D per day is recommended for more than 30.

    6. Blood sugar: less than 140
    The Western Pacific Declaration on Diabetes mention, diabetes mellitus (non-derived) is infecting adolescents and children. The main factor is obesity. The more fat tissue (especially in the abdomen), and muscle cells more resistant to insulin. In other words, obesity may inhibit insulin, so blood sugar rises.
    So, we must always keep blood sugar levels remain normal. Still according to Dr. John, high or low blood sugar levels depending on the condition of our present review. Normal blood sugar levels after fasting for 6-8 hours, is 70-100 mg / dL, while blood glucose levels 2 hours after eating a normal is below 140 mg / dL.

    7. Bone density: -2.5
    To find out how solid our bones, perform a bone density test or bone mass density (BMD). Dr. Michael Triangto, SPOK, from Slim + Health Sports Therapy said that the restriction of osteoporosis is a T-score of -2.5. If the value is more than -2.5, meaning including osteoporosis. If not, it means osteopenia (before getting osteoporosis.) Bone density test is recommended for menopausal women, had a broken bone, had a family history of osteoporosis, and abnormal spinal structure.

    8. Resting heart rate: 60-80
    Healthy or not our physical condition can also be marked with the heart rate at rest (resting heart rate). The best measure resting heart rate is when just woken up.
    How, press the pulse at the wrist or the neck below the jaw with the index finger. Count the pulse for 15 seconds, then multiply the result 4. Dr said Wiwin, normal resting heart rate for adult women is 60-80 per minute. If a person's resting heart rate exceeds the limit, means the heart works too hard so more at risk of heart attack or stroke
    source: Kompas.com

    Eating coconut oil every day can make a healthy waist

    Eating coconut oil every day can make a healthy waist
    Eating coconut oil make a healthy waistthis a based traditional medicine ancient.
    make hips shape be more slim, Eating coconut oil every day can make a healthy waist circumference 2.5 cm per month decreases. Enough with 3 ounces of oil per day, the possibility of weight gain back to being much smaller. that some trust in asia.
    With a slim waist and hips, undoubtedly the disease will move away, health became friends everyday.
    Come eat coconuts every day, our hips can be more slim

    the Waist Slim, Healthy and Attractive Appearance

    the Waist Slim, Healthy and Attractive AppearanceWaist Slim hips, Healthy and Attractive Appearance

    Diet Nutrition Situation Entasol outlets seem crowded when 25 conectiquers began to arrive. The event opened with a talk show "Healthy Diet Nutrition and the Right," which presents dr. Phaidon Lumban Toruan as a speaker. Presentation dr. Phaidon, a physician who is a fitness instructor at once attracted attention because Conectiquers presented with a relaxed and intimate atmosphere. Not infrequently Conectiquers made smile, even laugh when they hear an explanation of dr. Phaidon interspersed with jokes.

    In his presentation, dr. Phaidon mentions three causes of obesity, which is aging, too much sweet and salty foods, and never exercise.

    Generally, women over the age of 30 years to have eating more. While at that age there is a decrease of hormones and muscle mass. The solution, in addition to hormone therapy should also be followed by weight training. But unfortunately, most women tend to be lazy to do physical activity. Though a good healthy lifestyle is by doing regular exercise three times a week for 30 minutes.

    As if reading the minds of the participants, dr. Phaidon also provide enough secret exercise three times within 15 minutes every week. Because according to him, 80% of the human brain works avoid the misery and the remaining 20% ​​to enjoy life. Do not forget to eat after exercising Entasol Diet Nutrition to increase muscle mass and gain weight and waist circumference ideal. Entasol Nutrition Diets rich in protein that will expand in the stomach until the stomach feel full and stretched.

    In addition to exercise tips, dr. Phaidon has published two books titled "Fat Loss" and "Performance Nutrition", also gave a three-step diet resolution.

    The first step:

    This type of complex carbohydrate consumed should, use the F Slim Tablet or carbohidrat blockers for those difficult to hold your appetite.

    Step two:

    Consuming a multivitamin / multimineral, omega-3 fatty acids, coffee and green tea to burning fat more optimal.

    Step three:

    "Living food for living body", that is by consuming fruits like bananas, apples and oranges, and do not forget to exercise regularly.

    This event is the more lively when it comes time to ask participants about the problems they experience. Question for dr. Phaidon, coming barrage. Among the questions about how to lose fat in a short time, healthy way by eating green vegetables for people with gout disease. Then there is also a question about physical exercise, such as sports that do not make knee pain, activities that are good for pregnant women and weight training in accordance with body weight. Not to forget the secret to getting a flat stomach for women who have given birth.

    Although the show is devoted to the women, but there are too lho male participants who join. The father asked questions, about the habit that is difficult not eat rice in the morning before exercise.

    Talk show ends with a scene this time for-for gifts. Conectiquers seemed enthusiastic when dr. Phaidon ask two questions about dietary issues that have been described previously. One participant was lucky to get a voucher from conectique while other participants received a parcel withdraw from Entasol Diet Nutrition.

    The time talk show was over, along the same dr. Phaidon must immediately leave the premises to slide into the hospital to meet his wife, who is awaiting the birth of her second child. For dr. Phaidon, we say congratulations on the birth of the baby.

    After the talk show, the show continued with Hip Hop Workshop with instructor Chatalia DanXercise (chief trainer DanXStudio). Conectiquers move from talk show room and get ready to the floor exercise. Following the message dr. Phaidon, who said the diet would be better if supported by a little physical activity, Conectiquers was invited swayed by Chatalina, the instructor. Fast-paced rhythm of the music that accompanies, make conectiquers adrenaline racing go fast. They seem so eager to follow every movement of Hip Hop DanXercise.

    Two hours passed and finally a whole series of events must be closed. Talk show and workshop DanXercise Hip hop has been running smoothly. Conectiquers did not go home empty-handed. Besides additional useful information and body back in shape thanks to Hip hop DanXercise, Conectiquers also bring interesting parcel.
    based source : http://mobilisasi.com/article.aspx?aid=76&catid=22

    ideal Slim waist and hips shape make Healthy Heart

    Slim Waist, Healthy Heart
    To maintain and establish the ideal waist indentation, women willing to perform a variety of ways. Start of treatment at the salon or spa to reduce fat, to undergo cosmetic surgery. All for the sake of appearances.
    Unfortunately, not many are doing it for health. According to the findings described in the symposium of the American Heart Association (American Heart Association) said that a large waist is an indication of high risk of heart attack or other serious illnesses. "Waist circumference is an important note, because a large waist circumference could be an indication of irregularities in the body, especially heart disease," he said Dr. Robert Eckel, chairman of the American Heart Association.
    Slim Waist hips make  Healthy Heart
    Why dangerous?
    Did you know that fat accumulates in the abdominal cavity was more dangerous than fat in the buttocks or thighs. Because the fat in the abdominal fat cells have a greater resulting in excessive accumulation of fat in adipose tissue and ultimately produce harmful proteins. From the results of research conducted by researchers from France to the 7000 French police officers who died between the years 1967 to 1984 was caused by a heart attack. After the measurement of waist circumference, it turns out most of the policemen was killed because it has a distended stomach and a large waist circumference or commonly referred to as central obesity.

    Measuring waist circumference
    How do I measure it? Apparently you can do it manually, using meter pipe as used by tailors. As a rule, a waist size is compromised by the male is if it exceeds 101 cm (40 inches), while for women, the risk of high cholesterol will increase when waist circumference larger than 89 cm (35 inches).
    ideal Slim waist and hips shape make Healthy Heart
    What to do?
    So, since closely related to health, you should not just do the waist reduction of the appearance reasons but also must be for health reasons. Here are some tips for an ideal shape your waist and your body looks more healthy.

    1. Changing eating habits
    Healthy eating behaviors that are known to inhibit the accumulation of fat around the abdomen. To the wishes of a good meal is actually just satisfy your appetite and indulge tongue. After passing through the esophagus, the delicacy of the food was not felt. So, so you can feel the delicacy of the optimal food, chew food 30 times each time a bribe. Besides spoiling the tongue with the taste of food, the optimal cud make you eat less, because the digestive system can more quickly digest food, and hunger is no longer perceived.

    2. Reduce intake of carbohydrates
    Foods that contain high-carb is definitely fattening. As with protein, carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram. It is recommended to replace the complex carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes with foods derived from grain which is the best energy source for those who are dieting.

    3. Identify the types of healthy and unhealthy foods
    In general, healthy food is food that is delicious on the tongue because it contains very little saturated oil. While the food is not healthy, it feels good on the tongue, but has a high saturated fat content.

    4. Avoid instant method diminution stomach
    Burn calories you have entered the body, relatively difficult. According to the calculations of sports experts, the body takes 1 hour and moving (jogging, brisk walking) to burn 500 calories. In fact, if converted to the form of certain foods, then the 500 calories the only tangible piece of banana Molen. The illustration gives light to us, so as not to easily believe in and hooked to the decay of fat in the abdomen and waist instantly.

    5. Sport / exercise
    Moving on a regular basis is the thing to do to burn body fat, including fat around the waistline
    source : http://www.conectique.com/tips_solution/diet_nutrition/diet/article.php?article_id=6501

    Tips how to prevent back hips pain in daily activity

    Tips how to prevent back hips pain in daily activity
    Back hip pain is a disease that common suffered most after the headache, so it will not be complaining of back pain to us. Well there are a few habits that will keep your body healthy and avoid hips problem pain.
    Tips to prevent back hips pain problem:
    1. Always perform stretching exercises before sports or other physical activity weight.
    2. Do not bend over while standing or sitting. When standing, keep your points for a balanced weight on your foot. When working at home or at work, make sure your work surface is at a comfortable height for you. Sit in a chair with good back-up and the position and height appropriate to the task.
    3. You sit snacks with regular walking or doing light stretching muscles to reduce tension. If you must sit for long period of time, rest your feet on a low stool or a stack of books.
    4. Wear comfortable shoes and low heeled.
    5. Sleep with a tilt to reduce pressure on your spine. Always sleep on a surface that is solid, do not be too soft.
    6. Ask for help from others when you lift a heavy object.
    7. Do not lift by bending. Lift an object by bending your knees and squatting to pick up the object. Keep your back straight and keep the objects closer to your body. Avoid turning the body while lifting. Better push than pull when you must move heavy objects.
    8. Maintain proper nutrition and diet to reduce and prevent excessive weight, especially fat around the waist. Daily diet adequate in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D to help maintain the growth of new bone.
    9. If you smoke, please do quit. Smoking reduces blood flow to the bottom of the spine and cause spinal disc degeneration experience.
    10. Exercise regularly. Contribute to an active lifestyle in preventing low back pain.
    Follow these norms on the daily routine, always do, and not to leave one of them, always healthy!
    source : http://senopatiarthur.wordpress.com/2011/01/04/tips-menghindari-sakit-pinggang/

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