Save Your Backbone hips for health
The spine is such a substation for 31 pairs of nerves that become the central nervous system which regulates all the body's organ systems including system balance. These nerves exit through small openings in the spine to various muscles, organs, even to the skin tissue. Spinal cord function as a nerve center that transmit impulses to the brain and as a reflex center. Stimulus (sensory impulses) that the receptor organ to propagate through the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and into motor impulses. Then the impulse out of the spinal cord via the ventral horn toward the effector. In the dorsal horn nerve cell bodies contained a liaison (association connector) that receives impulses from sensory nerve cells and will menghantarkannya to motor nerve cells.
If there is subluxation (vertebral displacement), then the nervous system to injury and the energy flow to organs is distracted. Because of the complexity of the composition of the spine, even normal movement of the spine can cause interference, such as falls, either lifting weights, movement on one side of a repetitive, incorrect posture can interfere with the mechanism of the spine. That is why, traumatic spinal cord can cause paralysis.
Here are some useful tips so that we can maintain the condition of the spine in various activities in which we live:
1. When will lift the goods or the baby from the floor, bend your knees, do not bend. When you bend and lift heavy items from the floor, it can hurt and burden the spine with the heaviest burden. One-one, even cramps or dislocation can occur. When will lift heavy items from the floor, try to keep the spine straight. Bend your legs to align themselves with the goods. Lift the goods are close to the body, then slowly stand up again.
2. Similarly, when you will put heavy items into place high above your head, try not to lift the item higher than your shoulders. If you will store heavy items on high, use a ladder or chair. Lifting heavy weights above your shoulder line of the spine can cause enormous pressure.
3. Change positions often as possible if you have to stand in a long time. For example, when you stand up while ironing clothes, use a small stool or chair to put your feet alternately. This is necessary to balance and replace the pedestal weight. Stand up straight, do not bend with the head upright.
4. Walk straight, with head looking forward and back straight. Walk with erect posture, forward looking, and the ends of the feet pointing straight ahead. Use comfortable shoes and have the right thin. Avoid standing in the same position for long periods. Do not walk bent, avoid using high heels in a long time.
5. When in the car, sit up straight, promote rider seating for your feet closer to the pedal. Keep your knees aligned with hips. Chock lower back with a towel roll or advocate specific spine. Do not sit too far from the steering wheel. Watch your feet when stepping on the pedal. If too far, hold, because when the leg muscles suddenly stretch without warming can cause cramps and pressure on the spine.
6. While sitting at the computer or in front of the television which usually lasts a long time, make sure your thighs parallel to the floor, not to bend the legs too high (that means your knees are higher than the thigh) or your legs dangling far from the floor. Let the palms of your feet flat on the floor and your back is getting support from the back seat. For more safe, give a rolled towel in the lower back. Make sure you look straight ahead, not down or look up. An uncomfortable position for long periods can cause muscle cramps.
7. During sleep, humans do have the habit and comfort positions respectively. However, to keep the backbone fixed properly, make sure the bed is hard and flat. When sleep on his side, bend your knees slightly, keep your knees are stacked. If you sleep on your back, give a small pillow under your knees. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, because it could hurt your spine. Avoid sleeping on the media are too soft, like a sofa, because it could not support the spine.
Home » hips problem » Save Your Backbone hips for health
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Save Your Backbone hips for health

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